After a tremendous derby, which saw six goals and five dismissals, Lazio DS Igli Tare remained a little disappointed at the behaviour of the Roma coach as he gave his take on the mêlée in his post match interview.
"When the teams were entering I saw all the Roma players complaining to the referee," the Albanian told SkyItalia.
"I moved towards them waving my finger stating that it is not correct to hound the referee in such a manner at half time. Spalletti then responded, telling me to put my finger where the sun doesn’t shine!
"Following some further harsh words, we were both shown red by referee Morganti and were told to go our separate ways into the locker rooms.
"As the teams came out for the second period I went over to offer my hand to Spalletti and asked if we could leave the tension behind us. Unfortunately when Spalletti took my hand he continued to vent his anger and refused to accept my offering," he concluded.
After the game both Spalletti and Tare exchanged some further discussion on SkyItalia’s post match interview but eventually the pair made up and left their differences aside in the wake of a memorable and fiery Rome derby./www.goal.com/
Forza Lazio!!! That was a stunning performance from the blue half of Rome. I must admit this was totally unexexpceted but you can never say what might happen in the Rome derby.
ОтветитьУдалитьThat goal from Zarate for me is choice (so far) the goal of the season. So what do you think of Lazio chance now of reaching the Champions League?